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54 seconds ago
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  Klicken Sie hier um auf die Homepage zu gelangen:

    Page not found
    The document you requested cannot be found on this server.
  The link you followed might be outdated, inacurate or temporarly disconnected due to technical problems.

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Not yet seconds ago
Current error-ing screenshot from most recent request
Pro-tip: Use show current snapshot tab to visualise what will be ignored.
1 week ago
Diff algorithm from the amazing
For now, Differences are performed on text, not graphically, only the latest screenshot is available.
Screenshot requires Playwright/WebDriver enabled

This tool will extract text data from all of the watch history.

A RegEx is a pattern that identifies exactly which part inside of the text that you want to extract.

For example, to extract only the numbers from text ‐
Raw text: Temperature 5.5°C in Sydney
RegEx to extract: Temperature ([0-9\.]+)

Be sure to test your RegEx here.

Each RegEx group bracket () will be in its own column, the first column value is always the date.